This dvd set is a recording of a lecture given by John Piper, based on his book Desiring God and explaining the concept of Christian hedonism. His premise is that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him." He goes on to show us in scripture how God's goal is always to be glorified. Everything's purpose is to bring glory to Him. And that when we are satisfied in Him, when we find joy in Him, he is glorified. Piper disputes those who say it is a sin to find pleasure in God, that if we enjoy doing something, we are sinning. He shows over in over in scripture that our motivation is scripture is the reward in heaven. That while we may be making sacrifices in our walk, ultimately we will reap so much more in pursuing God.
This is a two dvd set with 10 sessions of about 30 minutes each. I watched it in about three sittings. Though I didn't find it easy to find time to sit down and watch them, when I did finally pop a disc in, it was easy to watch it through. There are so many great nuggets of truth in them, that I just kept watching. I will admit that sometimes his way of speaking could be distracting and sometimes my mind would start to wander, but he always brought me back with some insight that should be so clear and obvious but isn't always and I would think "wow, that's good." I plan to watch these again to remember points that he made. Lots to think about and ponder. And a challenge to me to examine my heart and ask do I desire God more than anything else? Is my joy found in Him?
If you have a heard time finding time to read, or if you learn better by listening you may find this video series helpful in summarizing the insights of the classic book by John Piper. There is also a study guide booklet that you can purchase that will help delve deeper either by yourself or with a group.
If you would like to learn more about Desiring God, you can visit this website www.desiringgod.org
You can read the first chapter of the book by clicking HERE.
This video can be purchased from the publisher by clicking HERE.
I received this video for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
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