I was so excited to get to review Mine is the Night, the sequel to Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs. These wonderful books are set in 18th century Scotland and are based on the book of Ruth. Mine is the Night picks up with the part of the story we are most familiar with, when Ruth, or in this case Elizabeth, arrives back in the home of her mother in law.
I so enjoyed reading this book. It is like two stories in one and both are great stories. I enjoy reading and learning the Scottish history and the customs of that time and the characters are well developed and likeable. Wonderful lessons about trusting in God and his provision for us. We are reminded that every good gift comes from our Lord, not our titles or who we know on this earth, but our King in heaven, to whom our allegiance belongs.
As always it is fun to see how the Biblical story unfolds in the new time and setting. Ms. Higgs does a terrific job of telling the old familiar story and yet writing a new stor with new characters all her own at the same time. This one was especially fun for me as I just finished an indepth study of the book of Ruth with my Bible Study class. I had a new appreciation for this story after digging in deep in class and so it was fun to revisit it again in this book.
I highly recommend this book.
Click HERE to read Chapter one of this book.
Read about Liz Curtis Higgs HERE.
Liz Curtis Higgs' website
This book was provided for review by Multnomah Waterbrook publishers.
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